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Biggest Rabbit?

22 10:45:33

hi.  Is the Flemish Giant breed the biggest rabbit breed there is?  We want to get the biggest rabbit breed there is.

Hi Traci

As far as I know the Flemish Giant is the biggest rabbit at least of those accepted by ARBA standards.  I did see a picture of a rabbit weighing 22 pounds called a German Giant.  I checked the urban legends page and it says the picture is authentic.  I am pretty sure they probably had it shipped in from another country, which I would highly discourage due to viral hemorragic disease being so prevalent in the UK and other over seas countries.

My recommendation to you is that if you want a large rabbit, stick with the largest breed that is accepted here in the US and yes indeed that is the Flemish Giant.  If you are not in the US you might be able to find something else.

You could also go to a shelter and pick the biggest mixed breed rabbit you can find.  Sometimes they can get pretty huge.  Who knows you might get lucky and actually find a Flemish Giant at a shelter.  Just think you would be saving a life.

Good luck


This is the picture from urban legends