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Just got a young rescue;how much to feed

22 9:56:24

Hi Dana, it's been awhile since any of our rescues were this young and a large breed bunny.  Can you update me on how much I should feed a 3-4 mo. old New Zealand bunny.  At least that's what she's expected to be.  She's spayed.  She weighs about 4-5 lbs.  

Does that weight sound right for that age of this type of bunny?

We always have unlimited hay but I believe I shouldn't feed veggies at this age or should I?  Also, it's the amount of pellets to give as well.  All of our bunnies get pellets but in the proper amounts but they're all well into adulthood.

Thank you,

Dear Paula,

There's no reason not to start introducing fresh greens now.  Just do them a little at a time so her GI flora will have time to adjust.

For a young bunny like this, I give free choice pellets until the age of about eight months.  Then start tapering back so she won't become a pudge.  But at her age, she's growing fast and needs plenty of nutrients for a strong skeleton and muscles.

Hope this helps.
