Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Nine year old bunny breathing heavily

Nine year old bunny breathing heavily

22 10:38:00

My question is about my nine year old dutch dwarf male rabbit. my rabbit has recently started breathing very loudly, but he stops when he notices someone watching him. Is there something medically wrong with him, or is he just having some type of rabbit snores?

Dear Jane,

The best thing to do in a case like this is to have your rabbit-savvy veterinarian give your bunny a good wellness check, paying special attention to the lungs.  Chest radiographs might be suggested as a way to see if anything is impinging on his lung capacity and making him short of breath.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

Rabbits are prone to hide signs of illness, and he may just be instinctively acting normal when he feels someone is watching.  Or he may just be snoring in a very relaxed state, but wakes up a bit when he thinks he might get some love. :)

To be on the safe side, I'd have my boy checked out by a good vet, and when everything is fine, you'll be much relieved.

Hope that helps.
