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Mini Lop Attacks

22 9:52:06

I have a recently rescued male mini lop, who has been attacking my boyfriend's hand whenever he moves his food or tries to put his feces in the corner (we're attempting to litter train him). He is over 2 years old and we do not know if he is neutered. He has let him sniff my boyfriend and he then gives him pets before he moves these things, but bunny still lunches at him and nips him. Is it possible that he's not neutered and he's hormonal? I'm not sure what else to try for him! We are being patient with him and letting him get to know us as he is comfortable, but its hard to have a nipping bunny. We are also looking at getting him a companion so he's happier, but if he's so aggressive, I'm leery of this. What do you suggest? Thank you!

Dear Chelsea,

If you are not sure he's neutered, then he probably is NOT.  And this would go a long way towards explaining his behavior.  Please check here for information on how to sex your bunny:

and then read this:

You can find a rabbit vet here to neuter your nippy, aggressive bun:

I hope this will solve your problem.
