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Both parents in care with babies?

22 11:21:33

I left this am and only had two rabbits, tonight I have seven!  Mom built a nest in the litter box.  Right now everyone seems to be fine.  Should I leave Dad in the cage or separate them?  Any other advice?

You should definitely remove the dad, for two reasons: you don't want him to get the mom pregnant again while she still has a litter and you don't want him to hurt the babies.

Depending on what kind of litter you have, you may need to add more nesting material. If you have Carefresh (or something else light and fluffy), they should be fine. If you have any other type of litter (including shavings), you should add some hay to the nest to make sure the babies don't get too cold.

Rabbits only nurse once or twice a day for a few minutes at a time, so you may not ever see her feed them. As long as they are not looking skinny (you shouldn't easily see ribs), they are being fed.