Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny unable to stand and is not eating or drinking

Bunny unable to stand and is not eating or drinking

22 11:19:56

We have 2 bunnys and one is unable to stand and will not eat or drink.  Was fine this am and know she is like this.  Thanks

Dear Bonnie,

This could be due to any of a hundred different things, from infection to dehydration.  Without more information, there is no way I can even begin to assess what the problem might be.  But any time a rabbit cannot even stand up, consider it a veterinary emergency, and get the bunny to a vet immediately!  You can find one here:

When a person can't stand and won't eat or drink, you rush them to the emergency room. The same is true for a companion animal.  I hope it's not too late.  The internet is NOT the place to seek advice in a situation like this.  Get that bunny to a vet!
