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Soft hernia like lump

22 10:00:54

Hi, I need help in relation to my rabbit.  He is 1 year old, netherland dwarf, was castrated in June 2009.
I have noticed what looks like a hernia on his belly, just above his anus.  It shrinks and grows depending on if he tenses or relaxes.  I toook him to the vet the day it appeared, 29th March 2010, and was told it wasn't a hernia but could be due to his catration but usually appears soon after castration.  I know it hasn't been there as I stroked and cuddle him every day.
I was just told to take him home and keep an eye on it.  He doesn't seem to be in any pain and I can press it into his body.  He is eating normally and drinking and running around also, but I am worried that I have been told to just take him home!!  Can you advise?  Its a soft lump which is just normal skin colour.  No redness or anything. I'm just very worried that it's been left but I don't want to be a paranoid "mummy"

Hi Sara,

when it comes to rabbit health being on the edge of paranoia is okay, as these guys you often don't see problems until they are unable to mask and hide them from you.

In this case he's doing fine.  The rule of thumb to really worry is if they stop eating and drinking, if they are losing appetite, if they aren't moving and appear to be sitting really tight and compact and maybe making teeth crunch sounds.  (Apart from obvious injuries.)

As long as rabbits are eating and drinking and acting normal, they are fine.  When you start seeing them off routine, then you need to start watching closer.

If he were my rabbit, I'd go to another rabbit vet for a second opinion.  I'd do it quickly, but not like it's an emergency - unless you start seeing problems.  Start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

Good luck!