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Sick Bunny ?

22 11:09:35

I have a rabbit that i believe is about three months old in December.  She is failry small and is some form of lop.  The pet store had no info about her for me.

jsut reccently she has seemed to maybe be suffering from a cold.  her nose was a little damp the other day and today it is not so much damp, but when she is breathing i can hear a slight sniffle noise coming from her nose.  She is still eating/ playin/ going to the bathroom normal.  she is very active.  she has sneezed a bunch too.

what can i do besides take her to the vet?


Hi Katie,
 Keep her clean and quiet...provide for her freash water at all times as this is important,especially when there's a cold which helps dehydrate the body quicker. If she's eating normally and active there's no need to worry.  Give her treats that have vitamins and minerals especially for rabbits,you find this at most pet stores. This will give her all the stuff she needs to fight this cold.  Also,carrots,a little romaine lettuce, and washed apple peel are good choices.   Good luck,Elizabeth