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my rabbits eye

22 11:09:36

Hi ..I have an eight month old lop ear, and i notice a white film has appeared on one of his eyes, this was about a week ago, and it now has become smaller, just in the middle of the eye, it doesnt seem to affect him in any way, but it looks awful, and i dont want him to be in any discomfort. do you have any suggestions?
Thanks so much for your time

It may be cataracts. If so, he will likely not be in any pain, though he will loose some clarity of vision. If it looks thicker than just a thin film, it might be some hair or something in the eye that has a white mucous around it to keep it from irritating the eye. In that case, carefully removing it will solve the problem. However, only try to do that if it looks like a fairly thick lump.