Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New Rabbit not pooping

New Rabbit not pooping

22 10:15:29

Thanks for your previous answer. I have another question. Our rabbit, that was
just bought yesterday has not been defecating. Is this normal in a new rabbit
and how can we fix it? Our nearest rabbit vet is about 50 miles away. Help

Dear Wayne,

If this continues for more than a day, then he should be seen by a vet.  But please read:

for tips on what you can do at home to relax him enough so his GI tract will come back on line.  Gentle tummy massage, little treats of fresh herbs, and a quiet, very relaxed environment will help.  Don't stress him with too much handling.  Please see this for how to interact with him at first:

If that vet is 50 miles away, it will still be worth the drive if the bunny doesn't start pooping by tomorrow.

Hope this helps!
