Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > litter-training.


22 11:24:05

I recently recevied a bunny (a holland lop) as a gift from my boyfriend. When he purchased the bunny he was told it was about 5 months old. I have been taking it out of its cage to get it some excersize and play time, and i generally let it hop around on my bed while watching TV or reading. The problem is, the bunny keeps peeing all over my bed! I have bought a corner litter box and placed it in the cage with "Yesterday's News" litter. How can i train it to use the box, and not myself or my bed, as its litter box?

Check out the litterbox training FAQ at

Bunnies are not like cats in that they learn the box right away, they need some assistance in getting to that point.  This page has some tips on how to do that.

Also, block off the bed so the bunny doesn't get a chance to use it.
