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Rabbit Abscess- Fully recovered?

22 10:00:53

My holland lop recently had a abscess on the side of his mouth.  Our vet cut out the abscess, did a culture on it, and prescribed some oral antibiotics and it disappeared.  3 weeks later, the abscess came back and we went back to the vet, with information on similar cases.  This time, the abscess was cut out and wound was left open for penicillin administration directly into the wound twice a day and cleaned with peroxide.  Along with this was duplocillin injections every other day for around 1 week.  The wound is healed up now, so no more need for the penicillin, but I just wonder about the short period of duplocillin injection.  The cases I've read online have had longer periods of duplocillin injections (1 month ish).  Am I worrying over nothing, or should I consider longer term of injections?


I'd ask the vet if an oral antibiotic like baytril might be good for a month.  Seeing this was such a difficult infection to try to wipe out, yes, it usually seems rabbit vets would keep him on antibiotics for a month or so, re-examine at one month and then either have you watch him for a few days and if he's better, hes done, or if not, put him on antibiotics for another month.

Baytril (enrofloxacin) is excellent broad spectrum well tolerated antibiotic by rabbits.  Just needs to be refrigerated when it's mixed with it's mix that makes it palatable for animals to take.  Generally banana flavoring, so most rabbits will take it quite well from an oral syringe.

Also if he's not eating well yet, ask about pain medicine for him.  Metacam (meloxicam) is very good and safe, metabolizes very well in rabbits.  Need to keep him eating and drinking and that means cocntrolling any pain.