Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > What bedding should I use for my Rabbit?

What bedding should I use for my Rabbit?

22 9:54:43

I am getting a hutch with a wipe proof bottom what bedding should I use and
should I give my rabbit a litter box as well?

Dear Delicia,

I'm not a big fan of slippery-floored hutches, as they cause all kinds of health problems.  Since you ask for my advice, I'll direct you here:

for some excellent ideas on creating a rabbit habitat, proper litter, bedding, etc.  I like 100% cotton bath mats that can be changed out as they get soiled.  Pelleted sawdust makes excellent litter box filler, if covered with a layer of soft grass hay that the bunny can much while doing his business in the box.

Hope this helps!
