Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My babies may have fleas.

My babies may have fleas.

22 11:07:46

As it turns out there are 7.  Just a while ago I was able to catch the 7th and handle it for 20 minutes.  It was the first one I saw but was always running away.  Some are eating pellets but some might not be drinking water yet.  Some walk across the water bowl and didn't seem to know it's for drinking.  I'm afraid to cage them right now because I'm sure they are more comfortable in their underground den.

A few of them scratched like they had fleas.  The parents' last monthly application of flea product was a couple months ago.  I discontinued due to the cold weather.  I figure no fly, no fleas.  What do you use for fleas?  Since yours are for eating, it's probably not good to treat them with poison.  

My rabbits do not have fleas now - they did once when I brought into the farm a new rabbit.  I put 3 drops of Advantage between the shoulder blades -that did the trick.  My rabbits are not on the ground except for the does in the PG doe pen - but if they do not have any to begin with no problem.  No, if you plan to eat the younger ones you cannot use Advantage.  Frontline is toxic to rabbits by the way.