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bonding bunnys

22 9:51:25

hi, i have a 2 year old bunny but am thinking of getting a baby bunny. i only have one cage my bunny is neutered. will it work? he is nice to other animals. he is an indoor bunny.he gets on with the cat that comes round now and again also.

Dear Gemma,

While a bunny may be super nice with other pets and humans, all bets are off when it comes to introducing a rabbit.  This is why it would be much better for you to contact your local rabbit rescuer via the Rabbit Welfare Association:

and set up some "blind dates" to introduce your boy to some eligible bachelorettes.  This is much safer and better than bringing home a "surprise" bunny who might end up getting his ears ripped off.  :(  A baby will not be able to defend himself if your bunny decides to become aggressive, and I've known of adult rabbits who have killed babies upon introductions that were not supervised.  Very tragic.

For tips on bonding, see:

So hope on over to RWA and see who they have for adoption.  Let your bunny do the choosing, and the fosterer can help you see who will be the best match.  Hope this helps!
