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agouti rabbits

22 10:38:30

We got a brown agouti rabbit from our local shelter as an adoption.  He is
medium sized, about 8-10 pounds, with ears that stick up and typical agouti
coloring, medium length fur. I can't figure out what breed or breed cross he is.
Is he part wild rabbit?  I only see agouti coloring in the min lops in the breeder
rabbit breed listings so I am confused.

Hi Yvonne,

I would believe he has some Lop-ness in his background, especially if he has really meaty ears.  He could also be the product of a rabbit that has some brown fur genes crossed with a chinchilla.  Chinchillas are only 1 gene switch from agoutis (brown pigment versus pearl white pigment in the hair shaft).  Just because a color isn't officially recognized doesn't mean they don't come in different colors.  They would just not be a show rabbit.