Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit will not chew wood

rabbit will not chew wood

22 10:28:24

Hi Sarah,
My 8 month old female rabbit will not chew on the wood blocks i give her. She will chew on wires and carpet around the house (even though she knows she not supposed to!) but has not touched the wood toys or blocks in her cage. I'm very worried her teeth are not being filed down as a result, although my vet said if she is chewing on hay and straw it should help with her teeth.
Is there any reason as to why she will not gnaw on wood and is there any way of stopping her chew on wires and start chewing on the wood?

hello laura

please try not to worry about your bunnies teeth, as long as she has a healthy diet then she is less likely to have problems with her teeth. I had a bunny who lived for 6 years and she never had a problem with her teeth once as she had a healthy balanced diet. Even if your bunnies teeth needs fileing in the future it really is not a bad ordeal for your bunny and is quite a quick job for the vets to do.

As your bunny wont chew the wood then she may not likely to ever. I would advice to get a gnowing block for her it is a totally different texture to wood. Did you know that it is not vital to get something for your bunny to chew on as rabbits keep there teeth short by themselfs, such as the teeth grinding together when they eat.

let me know if i can help you with anything else

hope this helps
