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Found Stray Rabbit

22 9:56:45

I found a rabbit that weighs approx 1 to 1/2 lbs.   Can you give me an approx
age of the rabbit.   It appears healthy, active, knows how to use a litter box.  I
found it in the city.  Not sure how much to feed it till I get to the vet.   Thanks.


he's probably under a year.

You need to get some gras hay for him from a pet supply store.  Oxbow is great, but he needs green fresh hay no matter what brand.  He also needs food pellets - just get pellets without extra stuff in them, straight food pellets - again Oxbow is best.

Water bowl would be best, a big heavy water bowl works best.  Refill a couple times a day with fresh water.

To do best for him get to a good rabbit vet (not all vets are). Go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

wherever you have him now, make sure electrical cords are out of the way that he can't chew them, and get plants out of his area in case they are poisonous.