Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > urgent: house rabbit has laceration...

urgent: house rabbit has laceration...

22 10:04:42


her booboo
I don't know what caused it but she has a laceration in the crook of her one rear leg.  It shows no sign of ever bleeding, is a clean cut, and she seems unbothered by it but I am concerned none the less as I would be if it were one of our two children.  We used our small stash of cash to get xmas gifts and now have nothing and she hurt herself.  I have tried calling around to the local vets on (which includes her reg vet) and none offer payment plans.  I don't know if i'm overreacting, or if she does need stiches.  All I know is that we want to make her as comfortable and safe as we can.  Currently we have her confined to a single level cage and are keeping it as clean as we can.  We will have the funds to take her to the vet on xmas eve.  Since its a clean cut will it heal on its own?  Is that why she isn't bothered by it?  If not is there anything else we can do in the meantime.

Dear Sandra,

Without seeing bunny's sore in person, I can't tell for sure what it is.  But from your description, it doesn't sound all that serious.  I would wash it well with *dilute* povidone iodine solution (Betadine or generic), the color of weak tea, and pat dry.  Then keep an eye on it for any sign of infection (redness or pus).  If the wound isn't open, it certainly doesn't need to be sutured, so don't worry about that.

She may have just scraped herself on something while playing, though this is an odd location (bunnies will amaze you with their ability to injure themselves....).  But truly it doesn't look life-threatening, and if you keep it clean and dry, you may not even have to worry about a vet visit.

Hope this helps.  Have a wonderful holiday with your family, including bunny!
