Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is itching

my rabbit is itching

22 10:37:20

My bunny is constanly itching both her ears at the same time. she starts it when i pick her up and leave her on the couch with me. the wheni put her back in the cage she does it a couple more times them she stops. she isnt dirty and i clean her cage often. and i havent seen any fleas. any idea what it could be?

Dear Jerrika,

It's not always possible to see ectoparasites such as fleas or mites, but it sounds as if she likely has them.  Please read this:

The pictures are extreme cases, and your bunny may just have a mild case of ear mites or fleas, but I would still get her to a good rabbit vet:

for some Revolution (selamectin), which will kill mites, fleas, ticks, and is safe for rabbits. (DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly to rabbits!)

Hope this helps.
