Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sick lop ear bunny

sick lop ear bunny

22 10:45:14

Our 2 yr old male bunny seems to be very listless. He doesn't seem to want to eat and last night before going to be I changed his cage and this morning it seems he hasn't gone to the bath room yet. He's not making any noises, I can't tell if his belly is distended, but he wasn't evven interested in a carrot this morning.

Hi Judy,

anytime rabbits aren't interested in food it's a serious problem. Compounded by he is not going to the bathroom.

Because of the time that has passed, I would get him to the vet immediately.  Emergency vet if you have to.  This can kill him, and he is weaker now from not eating.  Please get him to a vet immediately.
