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Is my bunny in labor

22 10:07:37

My Netherland Dwarf rabbit was bred september 27th and 28th just to double the chances. It is now Nov. 2 and I am extremely worried about my rabbit. She is passed due however for about 2 weeks now she has been lying on her side panting. Ive been panicking today because shes been acting super weird and she squeels if i touch her stomach she has also gained a ton of wait and grown a ton of fur on her pouch below her chin. since its day 35 or 36 even i am trying to induce her labor i gave her 2 tums she has only ate one she took the first one immediately but hasnt touched the other when i went out to check on her she was shaking front and back front and back and inhaling and exhaling really big. as i sit on the computer i can hear clashing and smashing in the cages so im hoping that means shes jumping in and out of the nest box but theres also another rabbit i have who jumps around in and out of his bowl. Thats her baby daddy. I just want to know whats going on and whether or not shes in labor. or if its a false pregnancy. let me know



It sounds that she needs to see a vet right away. It is hard to say if she is pregnant, but if this is abnormal behavior for her, she does not sound well. If she is an extremely timid doe by nature, this behavior could be normal for her if she is frightened.

Palpating her would be the best way to find out if she is pregnant at this point. You mentioned that she squeals when you touch her belly. Be very gentle and restrain her properly as you try this. If you can not decide whether or not she is pregnant, a vet should be able to help you.  

I've never heard of using Tums to induce labor, but some thing I have heard of include.
-Introducing a buck

Use extreme caution if you decide to use Oxytocin. It is very strong and can easily kill your doe if not administered correctly. It is best to go to a vet before you decide to use this.

If she does not have kits soon and she continues this behavior, please consult a vet. It is dangerous for them to be in there for too long.

Good luck!!