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Velvet Rex

22 11:31:17

Hello Dave, I have kept rabbits all my life and currentally have 5 fantastic much loved rabbits.
I have recentally aquired 3 velvet rex rabbits that I have named (fred, flora, florence).

They are soon approaching 5 months of age and are currentally seperated by sex until Fred goes for castration. I am having him castrated as I want them to be kept together as brother & sister & for company.

I have never kept this breed before and have managed to find very little on the breed or on grooming them. I have heard that you should not brush a velvet rex's coat. Is this true? Any tips or help you could give me on the breed and on grooming would be greatly appreciated

Regards Charlotte (UK)

hi charlotte - having kept black rex for about 10 years and done quite well on the show scene , all i do is to use a fine comb to gently get rid of any loose hairs and a soft brush just to liven the coat up , but mainly i just use my hands to groom them.
dont put any powder on the coat as this is illegal.sometimes i wash their faces with a damp cloth.
keep plenty of sawdust or soft bedding in the cage as rex are very susceptable to there feet going bald if kept on a hard surface and they will get sore.