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Rapid breathing and head shaking

22 10:42:47

My 4 month old bunny is either breathing or his heart is beating really fast, so much so that you can see his body and his head shaking.
He's been doing this since I took him home yesterday, but he's very playful and still lies comfortably with his legs behind him.
So the shaking doesn't seem to bother hum but is this normal?

Hi Meagan

Is this bunny in a new environment?  Rabbits hearts do beat extremely fast and if they are nervous they beat even faster.  It is really hard to say without seeing him but if you are seriously concerned I strongly recommend you take him to a good rabbit savvy vet.

Some rabbits do shake when they are nervous.  If there is any reason for him to be nervous and it didn't start out of nowhere then he might be ok.  I really hate to say without seeing what you are talking about.

If you need help finding a vet you can try this site

Good luck and I hope he is ok
