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adopted a male but having behavior issues

22 10:05:53

I adopted a male altered dwarf from a pet store where he was given up. Seemed friendly. Not afraid of anything. Bites at legs and feet. But can also be really sweet. I want my daughter to enjoy him, but she is afraid, and I don't blame her. It is mostly around cleaning his cage he gets huffy. I really want this to work for him, and he does seem to really like people. He is caged inside, but I let him run around a small room for several hours a day. Litter trained and doesn't chew things (mostly).

Hi Nancy,

with rabbits patience is key because as a prey animal it takes more time for rabbits to develop trust with people.  It's what keeps them alive, and the domestic ones have this as part of their nature just like the wild ones.  Further, some rabbits really are territorial when it comes to their cage, and hands reaching into the cage while they are in there.  Compound it with the fact he is still building trust with you, getting to know you both, and that's what you have.  

The easy solution is to do cleaning and such when he's outside exercising.  It's easier for the person and easier on the bunny.  Otherwise it's like you're invading his home and possibly coming after him.  When he trusts you more and knows you better it will probably get better and he will know that that's not your intent.

For the feet nipping a "No <name>" right after he does that might work.  If not the thing that works a lot is to wear shoes and he will soon learn that nipping isn't producing the desired effect.

Also keep in mind if he hasn't been neutered his behavior is largely hormonally driven and some of this would be reduced if he were to be neutered by a good rabbit vet (not all vets are).  You need to find one anyway, so start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.