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My rabbit isnt eating drinking water or moving

22 9:37:38

Yesterday my two and a half Dutch bunny didn't want to eat. He is the type that eats everything at anytime. I was trying to give him an apple in case something was wrong with his food and he just pushed it away from him. He didn't drink water and he didn't move. He was laying down in the corner of the cage (even though his cage is always open) and he was closing his eyes really weirdly. I tried to pet him and he was freezing! So I picked him up and pet him. About ten minutes later he jumped and started to run in the room (his normal behavior) but I wonder what exactly happen to him? Now he is ok, but should I take him to a veterinarian to get checked?

Hi Or
Sorry to hear your rabbit's not well.

I would recommend getting him to the vet asap, ideally today. Not eating and being unwilling to move is a bunny's way of saying they're in a lot of pain. They have a very high pain threshold and will hide illness extremely well. They're able to even hide broken bones, so you can imagine the amount of agony that would need to be there for them to really be showing pain.

It could be gut pain or dental pain, as these are the most common causes, or something else. I recommend getting your vet to feel and listen to his gut sounds, take any poop samples if there are any. Also get the vet to check his teeth including his molars which require a scope in the mouth to see. Molar spurs will dig into the side of the mouth or the tongue and mean they don't want to eat because it hurts too much.

He may have run around as "normal" afterwards to try and mask the pain he's in.

Definitely needs a vet trip!

Good luck!