Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > (1)My rabbit has pulled out...

(1)My rabbit has pulled out...

22 11:27:32

(1)My rabbit has pulled out a good amount of her hair and put it in her little basket of hay,will she be giving birth anytime soon?

(2)How will i know she is having her babies?

Usually, the fur pulling means delivery will be soon.  You don't need to know when she is having the kits because you need to leave her alone to do it on her own.  Interupting her could make her mad and cause her to reject the litter.  You will see the fur in the nest moving and at that point you will know there are babies in there.  Only then should you check for any that may have died to remove them.  LEAVE warm wiggly bodies IN THE NEST.  DON'T remove them for any reason until they begin to leave the nest on their own.
