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hurt foot

22 11:04:28

i don't know what to do, so I'll say it here. some one gave me a rabbit, they just came to my door and asked i would take it because they had to move to Kansas. i said yes. i came home later to find her in a cage, with a hurt paw. it looks like a dog bit it, and now it's worse. my mom says we can't afford to take her the vet, and I'm awfully attached to her now. she looks like she is missing a toe, and i can see the bone. what do i do?

Hi Colleen,

well, I am afraid this clearly is a medical case.  The injury is clear to you and you are recognizing it is getting worse.  It most likely is infected from the dog bite.  You aren't going to have strong enough antibiotics on hand as a non-vet and even if you did, you won't be able to deliver them properly.

This is something that a vet can pretty easily take care of.  Someone has to get this rabbit to a vet, however, or it will probably die.  If you can't, you need to give the rabbit over to a rescue group that will be able to get her proper and necessary medical care.
