Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > surgery


22 10:07:46

My rabit had a surgery for sterilization ( not having babies) and after one week she stretched the scar opened a little bit few milimeters). I would like to know if it will heal on it`s own or what I shoul do


you have to get her bak into the vet right away.  the vet needs to check for infection in there and will probably want to put her on antibiotics to be on the safe side. Sometimes rabbits will chew at their stitches because there is an infection under the stitches.  Sometimes if you don't keep them from runnning and jumping after surgery they can pop stitches.  All of this needs to be taken care of by the vet, you can't let it go.

The should look at it, if it needs cleaning out that needs to be done (infection) and restitching.  It will get bigger and that is not right.  It won't fix itself.  

If I can give you and anyone else advice, just put yourself in your animal's (regardless of the animal) place.  Would you just walk around with an open hole in your skin and hope it gets better even though it's not normal?  No, you'd go to a doctor for care.

Besides most vets schedule a return visit after spays/neuters to make sure things are healing okay and that a post-op infection hasn't set in, and to hear from the owner how the pet's behavior has been since surgery (eating, output, etc).

So get her back in as soon as you can.  Call ahead and get her in.