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Baby Bunny!! :(

22 10:29:43

Hi Kareen, Brooke here again!

Today after I got home, I went to check on the bunnies. All were fine. 4 bunnies all nested together squirming around. So I let them be. I came back about an hour later and I was kind of just checking them out, and i saw something sticking out of the side of the cage. It was a baby bunny. It got stuck underneath the nest box and was sticking half way out of the box. This was baby #5 though. Is there an eplanation for this? Thnank you so much!

Hi Brook,

First off sorry hun but that happens sometimes. I had that happen to me I was fortunate to have found it on the floor warmed it up and put it back with the others and it was fine and this was not a first time doe that did this to me. Sometimes they start kindling to fast and cant stop it. They will have one on the wire and then jump in for the rest. Its no ones fault. It may have been back there when you checked the first time and didn't see it and when you put the nestbox back in it was back there. Don't feel bad how were you to know? Just next time you will know to look around. Another tip if you ever find one on the wire or on the floor and you think its dead dont. Garb some fur from moms nest box and hold it closed in your hands. I have had baby's that weren't breathing come back to life. I would say tho if you have been holding it for about 10 min then its probably not gonna make it. I also sometimes will hold them against my chest cause its warmest.