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Addendum: Rabbit received traumatic injury while at vet, and now refuses to eat

22 10:40:46

Also, he has been urinating and defecating (soft stool, not normal at least partially due to his strange diet) since the evening of the injury.  Since he will not eat timothy hay I provided alfalfa hay, hoping he would view it as a treat, but he has not touched it.

Dear Claire,

These are clear signs that he is in pain, and in need of better analgesia than he's now getting.  Please ask the vet about tramadol, an *excellent* synthetic opioid that can be used alongside metacam for really great pain relief.

I also forgot to add to the last message:  Please read this with regard to the chronic runny/mushy stool:

and this for a safe method of keeping his rear end clean:

I hope this helps.