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Puffs-n-fluffs and the litterbox caper

22 10:16:58

I got my son this adorable minirex he affectionately named puffs-n-fluffs, however, this cute little bunbun sleeps in his excrement making me not really want to pet him, i tried changing the bed and the litterbox (probably bad idea)thinking that maybe he just wants the other side to sleep in for protection. But the thing is, he wants to sleep in the critterlitter pearls instead of the super-shavin's.  Grr, so any suggestions?  Or is it just ok?

Hello Beca

Rabbits are supposed to be clean but not all of them are.  Is there anyway you can change his litter?  That critter litter is great for beds but I have never had any success actually getting them to use it for litter.  I am curious is he on a wire cage or plastic bottom cage?  If he is on a plastic bottom cage you can try nice soft fleece without any extra strings and see if you can't get him to sleep there.  Another alternative is to cover the litter with mounds of hay.  The hay isn't as comfy as the pearls but they sure do like to nibble on it while they are doing their business.  The last suggestion I have is try shredded paper for litter.  You will have to change it daily but I shred all my old mail (without dye) and I use that for litter.  Even the dirtiest bunny isn't want to sleep on wet paper.  It gets pretty dirty quite quickly.

I really can't think of any other suggestions.  The HRS has people in each region that will often come out and teach you behavior modification.  I am not a member of the HRS but both Dana Krempels and Lee Meyer are and they could probably put you in touch with someone in your region that could help you if not in person then at least by phone.

I am sorry you are having problems with Puffs-n-Fluffs.  I hope you can get it worked out.

