Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Wheezing


22 9:53:38

My dutch rabbit is now 6, and hes been in very good health for all his life, however just tonight ive noticed him wheezing loudly when he was sat down relaxing, and ive checked him, though its not promimant i can tell he's getting a runny nose (matted fur about his nose and a bit on his paws), and his eyes are starting to get a bit sticky
his mate died a few years ago after having breathing difficulties similar, would you have any suggestions on my course of action?
Much appreciated

Hi Felicia,

Do you have an exotic animal veterinarian available over there?  It sounds like he has snuffles which is just a general term for various respiratory problems.  They usually do quite well as long as you get them on antibiotics right away.  It would be helpful if the vet could do a deep nasal swab and culture test it to find out which antibiotics would work best.

This article will explain a lot to you:

Good luck
