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rabbits and chickens in the same house

22 10:54:49

I have recently started raising rabbits and chickens in an old shed and was wondering if it is safe to raise them together, the rabbits are in cages and will not be out running freely with the chickens.

Hi Sharon

The answer to that would be absolutely not.  Chickens are known carriers of coccidosis and salmonella.  Although both illnesses can be deadly in chickens as well many chickens will develop a resistance and an immunity and can be chronic carriers and you would never know.

If you want to raise chickens and rabbits they need to be housed in different areas.  It doesn't mean you have to build 2 separate barns.  Just raise the chickens in one area and the rabbits in another.  If you allow the chickens to wander around where the rabbits are they can very easily transfer an illness to your rabbits.  Rabbits are far weaker when it comes to illnesses and you could potentially lose your entire herd.  Not worth it for sure!

Good luck and I hope you have lots of happy chickens and rabbits.
