Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > When does a lop become a lop?

When does a lop become a lop?

22 10:54:49

I bought a baby bunny a week or so ago that has a Lop father. When I bought
him, he was only 5 and a half weeks old. A few days ago his right ear started
hanging down much like a Lop. He is now 7 weeks old. Is this normal, or does
he have a problem with his ear? I looked for mites and wax but he seems to be

Sometimes even purebred lops do not get lopped ears. The lopped ears are caused by a wide-set ear base, heavy ear tips, and little to no control over the ears. Sometimes even purebred lops do not have all these things just right, so they have too much control over their ears and can keep them upright.

A half lop could end up being fully lopped, have one ear up and one down, or even have ears that stick straight out to the side (rather cute, in my opinion!).

If they are going to lop, it can start happening anytime between 3 weeks and adulthood, so it is perfectly normal for your baby to be starting the lopping process at this age.