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Male turned Aggressive

22 10:38:45

I have a 12mh old rabbit that has bitten me two weeks after giving birth to our 2nd son. this rabbit is a netherlands dwarf and he was never aggressive before. he now runs and tries to grab me and me only every time i walk past his cage. he was an indoor outdoor bunny, but has been caged for 2 weeks as we have had bad weather and a newborn to sort out. what can i do? could it be related to breeding season (it is in Australia) thanks for your time.

Mostly, I have a bunch of questions,

1.  Is your rabbit intact?
2.  Are they bites or more of a nip on your leg or feet?
3.  Has there been any grunting or circling behavior?
4.  Any spraying?

The first thing I though of was that your bunny is showing sexual behavior and has decided that he "loves" you and thinks your desirable for mating.

It may sound odd, but this could have been triggered by your giving birth.  He probably wouldn't have been sexually mature yet when you got pregnant, and he may have detected a change in your hormones.

Unfortunately, rabbits don't really have a breeding season, they can be sexually interested anytime.

If he's not neutered, getting him fixed should correct this problem after the hormones have gotten out of his system.