Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > HELP!! RABBITS TEETH


22 10:17:49

PLEASE help i tried clipping my rabbits overgrown teeth when he jumped away and pulled it out ! it is bleeding like crazy! will he be ok! i put him in his hutch
n he just lied flat nd his heart has started beating slower than usual x what do i  do.

This is something that is going to require a vet's attention, I can not tell you what is best to do with your rabbit other than seeking medical help.  Partly because I can not see or touch your rabbit, and because I have very limited experience with clipping teeth.

At very least give your vet a call, and ask for advice, I do know that infection can be a problem, and eating and drinking could become painful or difficult which is a serious problem for a rabbit, as they decline quicker than a dog or a cat.

Good Luck