Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit thumps a lot!

My rabbit thumps a lot!

22 10:03:56

My boyfriend got me a rabbit for Christmas. He (my rabbit) is about a year or so old... i love him, he is great, but almost every time i let him out of his cage (which i do a couple of times a day) he will thump like crazy and i don't know why! I would imagine that he would be happy because i am letting him roam free, but from what i read thumping isn't a good thing. And when i let him out it's normally just me and him in my room. What is making my sweet little guy thump so much?


Hello, Magie:

Typically thumping occurs in a situation in which the rabbit feels the need to exert dominance. It often happens in situations where the rabbit is placed in unfamiliar territory, is startled by something or perhaps if he smells/senses the presence of a female. Females thump as well, but males are typically the ones that do so.

I would not worry about it. It is a natural and healthy habit (albeit perhaps annoying at times). It may subside after a while as he becomes used to his surrounding. Or it may continue if when let out he feels the need to exert himself as dominant over the new territory.

Either way, as long as there is nothing distressing him (loud noises, sudden movements, prey (cats or dogs), he should be fine. Hope that helps some!