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Soft Lumps on Rabbits lower Chest

22 9:52:36

Over the last 2 days my female rabbit has developed soft lumps around where her nipples are ?  She is still eating and exhibits normal behaviors but I'm uncertain as to what they are as they have developed quite quickly.  Any help would be appreciated.


Dear Jeff,

If she is not spayed, then it could be (1) false pregnancy (though the mammary glands don't usually get noticeably large with false pregnancy), (2) mastitis (infection of the mammary glands) or (3) mammary tumors.  You don't mention how old she is, but if she is more than a year, then she is at risk of uterine cancer if not spayed.

I would recommend you get her to a good rabbit vet:

The fact that the lumps are soft is a good thing.  Tumors and severe mastitis abscesses are generally quite firm.  

And there's one other possibility:  If she has been with a male rabbit, then the obvious could be the reason.  Please read:

I hope this helps.
