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new lop ear rabbit

22 10:45:26

Hi, We just recently adopted a lop ear rabbit from the local SPCA. Do you know any way I can figure out his age? Also I lined the bottom of his cage with newspaper which he seems to like to rip up and nibble on, should I be concerned? My thanks Cat Graves

Dear Cat,

There's really no good way to tell an adult rabbit's age.  You can take pictures of him now, and weigh him, and then compare them to pictures in about six months.  If he's changed shape significantly, or grown a lot, then he's less than a year old. But once a rabbit is a year old, he doesn't change much until signs of aging start to show up (a few greying hares in a dark furred rabbit; greenish tinge to the eyes; toenails getting thick and flaky, etc.)

Newspaper is okay to chew, as long as the inks are vegetable based.  Avoid letting him chew colored paper, as colored inks tend to contain heavy metal residues.

We find that Feline Pine is the very best litter:  its absorbs odor and moisture, and makes great compost, too!  

For all the best rabbit care information, including what to expect from your new pal, please visit:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Good luck!
