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Question For my Science Expo

22 11:11:25

"Hello, my name is amy. As you can see, i am doing a science project for my school. The topic of my research is:
Which animals are better/easier to care for, guinea pigs or rabbits? My hypothesis was that both of them would be similar,because they don't have much difference in size and shape. I really need an answer or a bit of help until Tuesday,October 24th. If u would help me, I would appreciate it A LOT! A little bit of help would make a big difference. Thank you very much, and have a nice day^^"

Dear Amy,

Well, I can't really do your science fair project for you.  But you can read all about proper rabbit care here:

and here:

You'll have to contact a guinea pig expert for information on what's required for good GP care, and then compare the two.  Here's a good place to start:

Never wait 'til the last minute to start a complicated science fair project and then expect other people to do it for you.  If you think *you* don't have the time, just imagine what a full time university instructor has to do!  

Good luck!
