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Is Digging alot a sign my rabbits pregnant?

22 10:54:00

Well my rabbit digs in her cage and litterbox everywhere now ever since shes been with my male rabbit. we're pretty sure shes pregnant but is there any signs i should watch for to know for sure?

Hi Brandee

Most rabbits dig.  It doesn't necessarily mean she is pregnant.

I want you to read something about bonding rabbits.  It explains in detail why intact doe's and bucks should never be kept together:

It is titled To Bond or Not to Bond and is the first URL on the page.  I hope this helps you to understand.

If she is pregnant watch for signs of nest making, and to be on the safe side put a nest box out for her and line it with newspaper and a whole bunch of hay.  If she starts pulling fur she could be pregnant.  There are also such things as false pregnancies in which case the rabbit really thinks she is pregnant but isn't.

Just remember that there are diggers.  I get a cardboard box and fill it with paper shredding and towels (without strings).  This will let her dig to her hearts content.

If you have any more questions please let me know.  I hope the bonding tips will help you understand.

Good luck
