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Rabbits being neuter and testicles

22 11:16:53

My boyfriend's rabbit a Floppy eared rabbit (Eeyore), well the problem that the rabbit has, is that his testicles are "big." We believe that this is not normal can you tell us why is this occurting to him? We also want to ask the cost to neuter a rabbit he is about a year old and is it still safe to do the neutering procedure? Because I checked online that the procedure shoud be done when the rabbit is 4 months or less.

Dear Ana,

Enlarged testicles can signal infection in those organs (painful!), or even cancer.  Please find a good vet here:

The cost will depend on the vet and where you are, so call around.  Your bunny is not too old to neuter by any stretch of the imagination, so please don't delay his appointment.

Hope this helps.
