Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > coccidiosis is killing my rabbits

coccidiosis is killing my rabbits

22 9:57:33

what medicine can be used and were can i get to save my pets

thank you,


Dear Belle,

You must first be certain that the cause of death is coccidiosis.  Many things can cause runny stool, and it also depends on the age of the rabbits and what other factors are involved.  Please see:

You need to find a good rabbit vet here:

who can accurately diagnose what is killing the bunnies, either via necropsy or by examining a bunny who is now showing signs of illness.  Coccidiosis can be treated with sulfa (potentiated or not) antibiotics, but we have had better success using toltrazuril sulfate (Baycox) or ponazuril (Marquis).

The vet will be best able to prescribe the best medication for the problem.

I hope this helps.
