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Diamaond has a lump

22 9:39:29

Diamond has seen a vet for four weeks now he has stayed with me being force fed I took him to a vet that says he has a lump at the base of his stomach this is the second time this year he has stopped eating and drinking, I have tried everything I know to keep him with me but the vet gave him a antib. and says if the knot does not subside that he could do go in to see if it can be removed I don't have the money for this surgery I am sacred for him he is a sweet soul who still wants to live how can I help him.

Dear Natalie,

I can't know for sure from your description, but I don't think your vet sounds as if he is a rabbit expert.  I would strongly recommend that you use the list here:

to find a rabbit-savvy vet for a second opinion.

What he means by a "lump at the base of the stomach" could be anything, and this is not really much of a diagnosis.  What lump?  Does the vet suspect a tumor?  Abscess?  Bolus of food/hair in the stomach that isn't passing?

The "knot" may not even be a pathology, but the vet is picking this because he is not experienced enough with rabbits to know to look for more likely causes of inappetence and intermittent ileus.  Please read these important articles:


Dental problems are probably the #1 cause of mysterious cases of inappetence like this, but there are many other possibilities.  A good rabbit vet can help you track them down and start appropriate treatment.

I hope this helps.
