Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit has a bald patch

rabbit has a bald patch

22 10:26:10

I have a little dwarf rabbit who is about 2yrs old, he lives in a hutch with our remaining female guinea pig and they seem to relate nicely. Two days ago I went out to find he had a bald patch down to the skin on his nose. I cant see any injury to the area, no swelling etc and could find no obvious hair in the hutch. Not sure if he is rubbing it off or if its falling out.or maybe our guinea pig friend has been grooming??

First I would keep an eye out for fleas, mites, bugs, and fungus (ring worm) once you have eliminated these culprits (which can all be easily fixed). I would then assume that it is probably barbering (which is where one animal chews the hair off of another animal). This is fairly common and usually not an issue unless it is large patches or the animal breaks skin and causes a wound.

for right now I would put some neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment on it, one to help keep out any unwanted germs and to make it un-appealing for the other animal to chew on.  I would also try to watch them interact when they do not know you are there (time for your sneaky shoes =) and see if you find out what the rabbit is doing to cause the hair to be gone.

Always in situations like this I suggest if you are really unsure of what is going on, or you find that your rabbit starts acting abnormally, please get them medical attention from a vet.

Good Luck