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Spaying Rabbits

22 11:24:33

I bought two female rabbits together.  They have lived in the same cage for 6 months.  I decided to get them spayed two days ago. The first night they came home they got along fine, but the second day they started to fight by chasing and biting each other. I had to separate them. I was wondering what caused them to fight and will they be able to live with each other in the same cage again, because they had a strong bond. What can I do to help them develop their bond again?  

They make still smell funny to each other from any smells they picked up at the vet's office.  Keep them separate but close to one another for a week or two, then gradually try reintroducing them.

You may need to treat them like 2 new rabbits and follow the steps at  It should work, once they get those hormones out of their system and the smells from the vet wear off.
