Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Petromalt


22 9:48:22

Is it okay to give my rabbit petromalt or laxatone for a preventive of hairballs.  She has unlimited amounts of hay and has greens and small amounts of pellets.

Thank you,

Hi Jennifer,

Petromalt is safe for bunnies in small amounts.  Rabbits don't really get hairballs.  Most often when they get stomach issues it is GI stasis which causes the gut to slow down.  It is then a vicious cycle where they are in pain and don't want to eat and when they don't eat their stomachs ulcerate and it is very difficult for them to recover.  Some people do feed their rabbits petromalt and things like papaya tablets to help dissolve or push through the hair they do ingest but honestly hay does the same thing.  If your bunny likes the taste of it it will not hurt her but it is really not necessary.  New science has taught us that what would be called hairballs in the past is really a totally different medical ailment.

If your bunny has stopped eating or pooping she needs to see a vet right away.  This is a true emergency and by noticing the small subtle hints early you could save her life.  

Good luck
