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Guinea Pig In Nest?

22 11:08:53

Hi, I have recently bred my rabbit and i was wondering how i can find out if she is definitely pregnant AND can my guinea pig whom shares the hutch stay in during the last 22 days of the pregnancy? or will my rabbit get get stressed out? and when do i put in the nesting box

Thank You  

Hi Racheal,
I would definately seperate the guinea pig soon,it could complicate things for sure.
You won't know if your rabbit is pregnant until she pulls out fur from her belly to line her nest,which is around 32 days after she's mated.  You could put her nesting box in at any time,most definately 2 weeks before she gives birth.  Mark the day she mated on a calendar then count 32 days from then,that'll give you her approx due date.
Good luck!   Elizabeth