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rabbit with worms

22 10:41:57

Hello, I have a female rabbit around 4 months, and her stool is runny sometime. The other day i noticed little white worms in her stool. Im not sure what kind of worms they are. I picked up some stuff called petGold liquid  wormer, it say its for cats, kittens,dogs, puppies. Each teaspoon contains 250 mg piperazine. Do you think i should try giving her some? but i dont know how much. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Alicia,

NEVER give over-the-counter medications meant for dogs and cats to a rabbit.  Many medicines that are fine for dogs and cats can be fatal for a rabbit.  (For example, Frontline, which is a common flea preventive for dogs and cats, will kill a rabbit, as will amoxycillin, the most commonly used antibiotic for dogs and cats.)

If you don't know what kind of worms they are, then it's also possible that the medication will not work, since different species of worms are killed by different types of medication.

Instead, bring a stool sample to a good *rabbit* vet:

for positive I.D. of the parasites, and appropriate treatment with the right, rabbit-safe medication.

I hope this helps.
